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Food Enterprise Zone LDO (Foodhub)

The Parish Council were disappointed to receive the following letter from Karen Rose, Planning Casework Manager from DCLG in response to our letter.


"Dear Ms Frary


Thank you for your letter of 13th July 2017 regarding the Secretary of States Screening Direction on the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone LDO.


Your comments and request to consider a review of the decision is noted.  However for the Secretary of State to consider a review of the decision new previously unseen evidence would need to be submitted outlining a substantial effect that had not already been taken into consideration during the processing of the case.


It was noted during the consideration of the case that the LDO site was not within or adjacent to any ‘sensitive area’ as set out in the Regulations and that Natural England had been consulted by the LPA during their consultations on the LDO, and they reported that they did not consider that the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone LDO site poses any likely risk and that it was a low risk proposal.


As regards to visual impacts, it was noted that the mitigation measures required through conditions were considered sufficient to ensure that there would not be any significant cumulative detrimental impact upon the character or appearance of the area, or upon the setting of any listed building. On this basis it was not considered there will be any significant adverse cumulative environmental impact in either of these regards. The response received to the consultation undertaken with Historic England by the LPA confirmed this view.


I understand your obvious disappointment that the proposal does not require an Environmental Statement, but Environmental Statements are only required where there is the possibility of significant environmental effects from the project. 


Yours sincerely


Karen Rose

Planning Casework Manager

Planning Casework Unit"

Please see by clicking on the links the decision letter and statement regarding the request for an Environmental Impact Assessment relating to the Local Development Order for the Foodhub. 

The Chair of the Parish Council will be speaking at Broadland Council Cabinet meeting on 20th May 2017.  His comments can be viewed HERE.

The Parish Council have written to the Secretary of State.  A copy of the letter can be viewed HERE.

The presentation given at the Broadland Scrutiny Committee meeting on 16th May 17 can be viewed HERE.

The Parish Council response to the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone Local Development Order (Draft) which was agreed on 14th February 2017 can be found HERE

The full consultation documentation can be viewed here.  Please note the consultation is now closed

Easton Parish Council neighbourhood plan has reached the status of 'emerging policy' which they are hoping will bolster the request for an Environmental Impact Assessment.  The email requesting this is attached HERE.  Comments if any should appear on South Norfolk Council website in due course with the Planning Inspectors report about the Neighbourhood Plan (see the relevant section of the website).

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